full time single father, part time internet addiction.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

This Fathers Day.

This Fathers Day I got my very first Fathers day card from Atticus. My parents purchased it and let him scribble in the inside. It made me smile, and made me happy with tears that I had to hold back. When I got back into town I received a Fathers Day card that Noah and Madeline had crafted for me. Both meant a lot to me, I realized that I am thankful for the people in my life and that I miss Mad and Noah tons. They helped me change for the better, helped open my eyes to how precious things are and how much people can mean to each other.

(Below is the card Madeline and Noah made, and an old picture of Maddie and me eating breakfast.)

1 comment:

  1. I love and hate this post...:( I wish life didn't always have to change...but I know that there are seasons-we can only take what we can from those seasons and move forward. This was a precious gift you were given. Jmae
