full time single father, part time internet addiction.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Nobles Birthday Party

We went to Nobles Birthday Party today. He turned one year old back on the twentieth? I believe. His party kept getting postponed because Boise weather is so hard to predict. Noah and Maddie had fun making Noble birthday cards this morning, to go with the outfit Aubrey and I got him. It was nice to see all our friends again, we don't get together enough. I just don't feel like doing anything most days when I finally have free time. Even though I hardly work, once I get done with all my house/father/husband/school duties I feel like reading or watching a little situational comedy on the telly.

Noble is looking like a little toddler these days, he ate his cake, err smeared it on his face. The big kids were good even though I accidentally dressed Noah in his lil sis' jeans. I thought he looked exceptionally stylish, very downtown, hipster, trendy, roadbikeish. Atticus was a pain, he was tired/teething and didn't quit fussing the entire time.

Aubreys mom bought us a new iPod. As some of you know both Aubreys and mine got stolen(my fault :(....) Aubreys mom surprised us, saying it was a gift for helping her lately. Aubrey and I were very surprised, because we were just doing average things you do for family and she didn't need to buy us anything, let alone that. Now we have to share, uh oh! If anything we should be giving back to her because she babysits for us SO much, because of school, even though it doesn't work with her schedule that well. I feel so gracious for all her help and everything she does for us, I wish we could show our gratitude. My parents as well have done so much to help us and continue to do things and surprise Aubrey and I. Yesterday my mom showed up with a new high chair for Atticus we had been wanting. Tomorrow is her B-day too!

P.S. Aubreys mom and my mom have the same first and middle names....

I just want to say thank you and that I love everyone in Aubrey and I's families so much, with out you guys we wouldn't have the things and opportunities we have now.

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