full time single father, part time internet addiction.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Yesterday morning Atticus went to the Library again with his Aunt Chelsi and cousin Peyton. I had to go off to class though. After class I went and met up with them at his other Grandmas house, Grandma Sandy's. We had pizza and ice cream and told stories. His Grandma made me a fun offer I had to take her up on. She wants me to make her a cat 'condo' thing, like a scratching post with areas for her cats to lounge on. She wants me to build one for her instead of her buying one because she wants it to be a certain height to be flush with her window sills to give the cats a little more room to lay upon so they can look out the window. I am pretty excited, I think it will be a fun fairly easy project for Atticus and I to do. Or for me to do and Atticus to run around and play while I do. She offered me $80 to build it but I am planning on doing it for free and surprising her with it around Christmas time, at least that is the plan. I doubt she will ever see what I am writing about this so if my plan fails she will never know, she said she was in no hurry for it anyways. After his Grandmas it was nap time. After nap time the two of us went outback to rake leaves. I had already had a few piles done while he napped. I was able to get a few cute pics of him playing in the leaves as I raked. After that we were off to his friend Nobles house for awhile while us boys did a new kind of workout in the garage. We ended up staying pretty late and once we got home it was straight to bed.

This morning we woke up got dressed and went to meet Francis at Starbucks with Peanut. Atticus was wearing his Calvin Klein jeans, Wu-Tang tee, brown hoodie and black vans, he was looking mad fly! It is nap time now, and I might do some dishes, after nap we might go finish our yard work from yesterday. Grandma comes home soon to watch him while I am off to math class, maybe meeting Franny there so he can use the schools WiFi. Tonight I am not sure what the plans are, and tomorrow, maybe more coffee with Peanut and Franny in the am. I have class all day tomorrow while Atticus stays back with Grandpa. This is his weekend at his mom-o's house, I will miss him but I have some plans and some homework to get done.

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